Great savings for Kelso apartment buyers - but you have to be quick!
by Starfish Developments | 29 Jun 2017
The State Budget 2017
You may have heard or read in the news that the Government has announced some great incentives in its state budget for people buying off-the-plan apartments.
Although the measures have yet to be formalized in Parliament, Revenue SA has stated they will go ahead. Some only last for three months, so don’t hang around – and make a fast move!
Please note these benefits are not available for foreign buyers.
$10 000 grant for off-the-plan apartment purchasers before construction begins – for three months only
If you enter into a contract to buy a KELSO off-the-plan apartment between now and 30 September 2017 you may be eligible for a $10 000 grant. It will be paid by the Government after settlement (generally around the time stamp duty is paid). RevenueSA will make an application form available ahead of the grant becoming payable.
Off-the-plan stamp duty concession extended for another year to end June 2018
The level of stamp duty concession you’ll receive when buying an off-the-plan KELSO apartment is determined by the stage of construction at settlement of your contract. The earlier you buy, the more you’ll save!
KELSO is selling fast – don’t miss out on these deals!
Please complete the registration form or phone (08) 8110 9800 to speak to one of our property specialists.
More information is available on the RevenueSA website at